${{amount}} USD
Testing of All Gemstones and Metals
We can test crystals and metals for authenticity and to determine if they're natural or man-made. Please contact us at noblecolorsales@gmail.com for further inquiry and pricing.


Jewelry Repairs
Most jewelry pieces can repaired depending on the severity of the damage. Loose stones, scratches on the shank, or broken prongs can easily be repaired. Send us a picture of your jewelry via email to noblecolorsales@gmail.com, or give us a call at (213) 623-5954 to discuss options on the next best steps toward repair needs.


Crystal Wand Repairs
The cost of repairing the tip on a crystal ranges from $ 95 to $ 110 depending on the size and damage for most crystals and wands. For larger crystals, and wands with more than 18 facets, the price will increase. Price is pending photo evaluation. Please send a photo to me at (213) 327-8042 so I can evaluate it and confirm it can be done. We redo all the facets of the crown so the point is centered. 


Shipping Instructions
Please ship the crystal to:
Edward Andonian
510 W Sixth St
Suite 309
Los Angeles, CA 90014
office tel 213 623 5954 email edward2950@gmail.com
Inside the package please include your name, address, tel number and email. An email is sent to you when your crystal is completed and shipped back. Please let us know the value of the crystal so we can insure it. Please do not include cases or boxes since it increases the cost of shipping.
Repair time is anywhere from 5 to 9 working days. Upon completion we will ship your crystal with USPS priority insured and add the Post Office's shipping fee to your invoice. Shipping charge is usually around $16. 





Please refer to our blog on Crystal Repair for the next steps in sending your crystal to us.